Cellar Dwellers is a 7-episode semi-autobiographical web series created by a few of my friends. They enlisted my help to craft a narrative, but I ended up staying to write--and even direct--most episodes!
Brothers Noah and Ephraim must learn to live and love after their parents abandon them for China. When Noah meets alluring businesswoman Becky and she encourages him to visit China, Ephraim must face a world without his dim-witted, yet well-meaning brother.
Created by Noah Rinsky, Ephraim Rinksy, & Maxx Loup
Directed by Jesse Mallin
Filmed & Edited by Miles Kerr
Written by Jesse Mallin & Noah Rinsky
Produced by Mark Rinsky
Asst Director Miles Kerr
Music by Maxx Loup
Noah Rinsky --- Noah
Ephraim Rinsky --- Ephraim
Sarah Keyes --- Becky
Maxx Loup --- Andrew
Raymond --- Raymond the Super
Miles Kerr --- Tea Guy
Kevin Heald --- Cheese Guy
Steve Nacache --- Bordeaux Steve
Jesse Mallin --- Shady Guy
Bandit --- Bandit